045: Why You Need to Change the Language You Use to Describe Behavior
PAP 045: Why You Need to Change the Language You Use to Describe Behavior

045: Why You Need to Change the Language You Use to Describe Behavior

Listen on Google Podcasts  |  Spotify  |  Clarity — my weekly newsletter on what’s working in business right now, delivered free,…

779 399 Penny Williams
044: What Your Child with ADHD Wishes You Knew, with Dr. Sharon Saline
PAP 044: What Your Child with ADHD Wishes You Knew, Dr. Sharon Saline

044: What Your Child with ADHD Wishes You Knew, with Dr. Sharon Saline

Listen on Google Podcasts  |  Spotify  |  What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for…

779 399 Penny Williams
042: Your Parenting Pep Talk
PAP 042: Your Parenting Pep Talk, with Penny Williams

042: Your Parenting Pep Talk

Listen on Google Podcasts  |  Spotify  |  online parent training and coaching  for neurodiverse families.Thank you! If you enjoyed this…

779 399 Penny Williams
10 Red Light Words for Parents of Kids with ADHD and/or Autism

10 Red Light Words for Parents of Kids with ADHD and/or Autism

10 Red Light Words for Parents of Kids with ADHD and/or Autism When we work from the premise that “Kids…

725 351 Penny Williams
VIDEO: 5-Minute Fix: ADHD Medication Insights

VIDEO: 5-Minute Fix: ADHD Medication Insights

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1920 1080 Penny Williams
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