Best/Worst Lists

5 Mistakes Parents of Kids with ADHD (or High-Functioning Autism) Make
5 Mistakes Parents of Kids with ADHD (or High-Functioning Autism) Make

5 Mistakes Parents of Kids with ADHD (or High-Functioning Autism) Make

5 Mistakes Parents of Kids with ADHD (or High-Functioning Autism) Make We're all human.We all make mistakes. Even mistakes when…

1160 600 Penny Williams
50+ Insightful Reasons for Troublesome Behavior in Kids with Autism
Guide for Supporting Students on the Autism Spectrum, 50+ Insightful Reasons for Troublesome Behavior

50+ Insightful Reasons for Troublesome Behavior in Kids with Autism

50+ Insightful Reasons for Troublesome Behavior in Kids with Autism Kids with autism have a unique way of thinking about…

1160 600 Sarah Wayland
Homework strategies for kids with ADHD, autism
Homework Strategies for Kids with ADHD, autism

Homework strategies for kids with ADHD, autism

Homework strategies for kids with ADHD, autism What a pain!Kids don't want to do homework. Can you blame them? They…

1160 600 Penny Williams
5 Reasons Kids with ADHD Lie
5 Reasons Kids with ADHD Lie

5 Reasons Kids with ADHD Lie

5 Reasons Kids with ADHD Lie Lying Can Be More Than Bad CharacterSociety has always thought of lying as a…

1160 800 Penny Williams
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Join us for Back-to-School Prep Week!

Back-to-School Prep Week is a series of live, DONE-WITH-YOU workshops. Together, we’ll prep you, your kid, and their teachers to stress less and succeed more.

I’m providing my roadmap for a more successful transition and school year and we’re going to get your prep done at the same time! 👏🏻

$47 USD