resources for a

Knowledgeable but...


As a Guardian, your instincts are pretty spot on.

You're doing great! Yet, you could just use a small tweak in your parenting style, as well as support and community (because we need that at all stages and levels).

The only next-level parenting style beyond a Guardian is a Guide. A Guide offers just-right support with compassion and an open mind, focusing on the bigger picture rather than getting stuck on small details. A Guide understands that they are there to support their child on their child's journey, not what they think the journey should look like. 

With that in mind, below are resources for support and community, as well as resources to help you adopt the idea of letting your child guide their journey.

Experts weigh in on how to let your child guide your parenting.


Letting your kid guide your parenting guide allows your child to be authentically who they are and promotes independence, critical thinking, and decision-making skills. By allowing kids to figure things out on their own, they develop a sense of ownership over their lives. It also helps them develop problem-solving skills and boosts their self-confidence. Ultimately, guiding rather than directing allows neurodivergent kids to become independent, happy, and healthy adults.

Watch these videos to learn how to shift from directing to guiding.

Adopt a collaborative approach with your child or teen.


Collaborative parenting is powerful for you and empowering for your child. It shows your child that their input matters.

Being a collaborative parent entails actively involving your kid in decision-making processes, fostering open communication, and working together to solve problems and achieve goals. This approach fosters a strong bond with your child, trust, problem-solving and independence skills, self-esteem, and, belief in oneself.

Check out Ross Greene, Ph.D.'s books and website to learn his Collaborative & Proactive Solutions model.

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Get Your Mind Right

The right mindset is one of the most crucial aspects of your parenting success, if not the most crucial. Here's what you'll accomplish in this 1.5 hour course:

  • Let go and trust the process.
  • Truly know your child's needs.
  • Identify your real parenting problem.
  • Develop patience and calm.
  • Control your thoughts, change your life.


Your Role in Your Child's Behavior

It's important to be aware of our own reactions and responses, as they greatly impact our child's behavior. In this webinar, we explore how you're either escalating or de-escalating your child's/student's behavior.

Learn practical co-regulation techniques — from staying calm and using rhythm, to engaging in physical co-regulation, how to adjust your responses based on the child's needs, the art of being a good listener, and strategies to fuel your child's energy and resources through unconditional love, play, celebrating successes, and fostering connections.

Want me to walk you through it? Schedule a coaching call.

We can discuss your child's current strengths and challenges, as well as your own when it comes to parenting, and identify steps and strategies to meet those goals. 

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Join us for Back-to-School Prep Week!

Back-to-School Prep Week is a series of live, DONE-WITH-YOU workshops. Together, we’ll prep you, your kid, and their teachers to stress less and succeed more.

I’m providing my roadmap for a more successful transition and school year and we’re going to get your prep done at the same time! 👏🏻

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