
268: What to Do When Importance Doesn’t Create Motivation

268: What to Do When Importance Doesn’t Create Motivation

Beautifully Complex Podcast: Discover effective strategies to motivate neurodivergent kids when the importance of a task isn’t enough. Episode 268 explores overcoming ADHD motivation challenges.

1200 700 adhdautismdev
256: Breaking Down Motivation: Helping Teens and Young Adults Find Their Path, with Melanie McNally, Psy.D.

256: Breaking Down Motivation: Helping Teens and Young Adults Find Their Path, with Melanie McNally, Psy.D.

Beautifully Complex Podcast: Dr. Melanie McNally explores the struggles that many young adults face in finding motivation and direction.

1200 700 Penny Williams
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Join us for Back-to-School Prep Week!

Back-to-School Prep Week is a series of live, DONE-WITH-YOU workshops. Together, we’ll prep you, your kid, and their teachers to stress less and succeed more.

I’m providing my roadmap for a more successful transition and school year and we’re going to get your prep done at the same time! 👏🏻

$47 USD