Feel like chaos is running your life?

Create the family life you crave.

I've been in the same trenches myself, so I get it. Not only do I have the strategies to empower you to improve your life and your child’s, but I’m living proof that they work. Let’s get started — schedule your online one-on-one coaching now!

It's time to create peace, reclaim your sanity, and make room for


When my son was diagnosed with ADHD, I had no idea how to help him. I was desperate to turn things around, but had no compass. So, I hit the books, and the internet. I spent every spare moment learning about ADHD. Yet, I wasn’t making any real progress for him, or for our family.

A couple years after diagnosis, the lightbulb finally sparked. We, his parents, are the ones who need to change. We had to accept ADHD (and later, autism also) and create strategies and coping mechanisms for our son to thrive in spite of it.

That was more than a decade ago and it made all the difference. We have less chaos and more peace, and we have a great family dynamic. I can help you turn things around too.

You've already taken the first step by recognizing that something in your family needs to change.

Parenting is challenging, demanding, overwhelming, emotional, exhausting work — even under the best of circumstances. Add in ADHD, autism or Asperger’s, anxiety, or other neurodivergent diagnosis, and it’s downright taxing

The addition of disabilities creates an added weight of tension and stress in your family, relationships, and everyday life that can be very damaging. Traditional parenting approaches aren’t effective with kids with lagging skills, poor emotional control, and behavioral challengesThere’s a better way. 

Parent coaching is just the helping hand you've been
searching for.

I teach stuck and struggling parents how to dial down the chaos and intensity and help their neurodivergent kid thrive.

I can guide you over the hurdles and around the obstacles to a more loving, fun, and joyful family life. A parenthood that’s rewarding.

I teach a neuro-affirming parenting approach that has been proven to improve behavior and parental confidence for families raising kids with ADHD and/or autism. Sometimes it simply takes a helping hand to guide you in the right direction.

Let’s improve your family’s quality of life — together.

Hi! I'm Penny.

I didn't always get this parenting thing right.

When my kid was diagnosed with ADHD in 2008, I had no idea how to help him. I was overwhelmed, frustrated, exhausted, lost, feeling hopeless, and anything-but-prepared for the journey before us.

I was desperate, but had no guide. So, I spent every. single. spare. moment learning about ADHD. Even then, I still got it wrong for a long time.

It took me 3 years of that fruitless dance before I got my mind right and started learning what was actually going to help my kid, me, and my family — creating opportunities for success in all environments.

I've been deep in the trenches and we've had more than our fair share of ups and downs, but I finally figured out a successful path forward. My neurodivergent kid is a young adult now, and I know he'll find his greatness.


How coaching works…

What is parent coaching?

I'll teach you the proven skills and strategies to connect with your kid, improve behavior challenges, and enjoy your day-to-day lives. We'll set goals, create a (research-based) plan to meet them, and tweak as necessary, TOGETHER.

Who is your coaching for?

I specialize in coaching parents of neurodivergent kids — those with ADHD, autism (level 1 or 2), anxiety, learning disabilities, etc. Effective parenting strategies are different than the norm for this population.

Why do I need coaching?

Parenting kids with differences is extra challenging. Not only must you learn new parenting techniques, you could also benefit from an objective perspective guidance from someone who has walked a similar parenting path.

Where do we meet?

We meet online via Zoom. While I'm in the U.S., technology provides the opportunity for me to coach you no matter where you are in the world, as long as we can find daytime hours for each of us that overlap.


we can work on…

Changes you'll experience:
more calm

Mornings without nagging and yelling.

Learn customized tools and strategies to overcome executive functioning deficits to create smoother, calmer mornings for you and your kid. 

more peace

An entire day without a crisis, and then most days without crises.

It may seem like you'll never be able to break free from constant crisis and living in survival mode every day. But you can… I'll walk you through it. 

more success

Getting things done successfully when asked.

Learn to decode your kid's behaviors to determine what's getting in their way in meeting expectations so you can implement customized tools and strategies to get things done. 

more confidence

Feeling good about your parenting and family life.

Sometimes it takes an objective perspective to acknowledge your struggle and remind you that you're doing the best you can to reduce your family stress and create room for joy. I'm an outsider to your family, but I've been where you are.

more joy

Creating moments of joy and enjoying time with your kid.

When you identify what you can and can't control and learn to accept and let go of what is, you will create room for joy. I'll show you how.

Yes! It really works!
“You've changed our lives!”

When my son was diagnosed with ADHD, I felt confused, lost, angry, and sad. Then the guilt began and the questions were merciless. I would still be lost and confused without the extensive knowledge and supportI’ve received from your course. 

I kid you not, my husband and I would be lost without you. 

You’ve changed our lives.


“Penny is one of the few who ‘get it.'”

You are the first of all the people we've sought help from that we’ve really connected with and that really ‘gets it.' Thank you for your openness and mindfulness to our family situation.


“I went from angry and frustrated to a mom with a plan, and peace and hope.”

Penny provides concrete steps about how to move forward with each scenario I present. She is realistic that her methods will take time and a lot of repetition, but will work in the end.

This has provided me with a lot of peace of heart. I feel we are on the right track now. My son is happier and more calm.

Are results guaranteed?

I wish I could say yes… but, no, I'm no magician. Every child is different. What I teach are neuroscience-backed techniques and strategies that are most effective for kids with ADHD and/or autism level 1 or 2, as well as my own experience and hard-won wisdom. To have any success, you must be open to changing your parenting and commit to using and implementing the strategies long-term. Kids with additional mood or conduct disorders may not be a good fit for my coaching program. If I don't think I'm the right person to help you, I will absolutely tell you that up front.

Are you certified?

I am not a “certified” coach. I approach coaching from a much different perspective than most coaches — from that of a parent who lives a similar parenting journey. A parent who had to struggle and scrape and learn how to successfully parent a child with ADHD and autism through intensive research and trial and error. I've been where you are. I figured most of it out. I want to help you get to the other side faster. Everything I teach is backed by neuroscience and/or my own parenting experience. You get proven strategies and a whole lot of caring and compassion.

How long is each session?

Each session is 50 minutes or 80 minutes, unless stated otherwise. 

Do you work with international clients (those outside the U.S.?

Yes, I work with families all over the world. The only requirements are that you speak English and that you can meet during my normal business hours (10 AM – 5 PM ET U.S./New York Time).

Your success

is my success.Let's do this!

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 Free Masterclass • Oct. 18, 2024 @ 6 PM EDT • online

Mindset Reset

Breaking Free of Negativity to Reclaim Peace & Joy