Published Works

from Penny Williams


Film & Television Appearances

  • ADHD Documentary, Stone Village Television, Interviewed by Scott Steindorff, Director/Producer & Zhara Astra, Producer

    Coming 2024

Podcast Appearances

More podcast appearances listed here…

Articles & Essays

  • Adopting the Right Mindset to Effectively Parent a Child with ADHD — SOAR
  • Helping My Son on the Autism Spectrum Find His Voice — The Mighty
  • Lack of Mental Healthcare for Children Reaches ‘Crisis’ Level  — Healthline
  • 5 Tips for Managing Tantrums at Any Age — WNC Parent
  • Does an ADHD Diagnosis Camouflage Autism? — Healthline
  • How ADHD Contributes to Obesity in Children  — ADDitude Magazine
  • A Patient’s Primer on the Stimulant Medications Used to Treat ADHD — ADDitude Magazine
  • Stimulant Medications Make ADHD Children’s Sleep Problems Worse, Researchers Say — Healthline
  • Two worlds collide — Special Education Advisor
  • You Can Survive Parenting a Child with ADHD — Impact ADHD
  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine: the New Landscape of ADHD Treatment? — Healthline
  • Kids Good Social Skills = Good Relationships — WNC Parent
  • 10 Things Kids With ADHD (and Their Mommas) Wish Teachers Knew — The Mighty
  • 10 Must-Dos for Moms of Kids With Special Needs — The Mighty
  • 9 Strategies to Raise Happy Kids — WNC Parent
  • 5 Tips for Managing Tantrums at Any Age — WNC Parent
  • Doctors Are Getting Most ADHD Diagnoses Right — Healthline
  • The Full Range of Treatment Options for Children with ADHD — ADDitude Magazine
  • Only a Third of Kids with ADHD Get the Recommended Treatment — Why? — Healthline
  • Premature Infants May Be More Likely to Develop ADHD, Autism — Healthline

*This is a sampling of my published work. There are many more articles for ADDitude Magazine and Healthline.

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Learn how to help your anxious child feel safe, secure, and emotionally stable by providing tools and strategies to manage anxiety effectively on their own, while fostering resilience and joy. 

The 30 expert workshops are available for free intensive learning October 3-6.