
249: Helping Neurodivergent Young Adults, with Janina Elbert Maschke, Ph.D.

249: Helping Neurodivergent Young Adults, with Janina Elbert Maschke, Ph.D.

Beautifully Complex Podcast: Dr. Janina Elbert Maschke discusses how to support neurodivergent young adults as they navigate the unique challenges they face, such as feelings of isolation, academic pressures, and emotional struggles.

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Join us for Back-to-School Prep Week!

Back-to-School Prep Week is a series of live, DONE-WITH-YOU workshops. Together, we’ll prep you, your kid, and their teachers to stress less and succeed more.

I’m providing my roadmap for a more successful transition and school year and we’re going to get your prep done at the same time! 👏🏻

$47 USD