ONLINE SUMMIT |  OCT 3-6, 2024
Anxiety SOS

Seth Perler, M.Ed., Executive Function Coach, on Why Your Brain Thinks You're in Danger

The Journey Begins Soon
October 3-6, 2024

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30 Expert Talks

4 Full Days

1 Epic Lifeline

Anxiety SOS is a global online workshop series for caregivers and educators of children, teens, and young adults with anxiety. The conference includes 30 expert workshops featuring therapists, coaches, psychologists, and educators who specialize in anxiety.

All of the insights and strategies offered during Anxiety SOS are humanistic and compassionate, and grounded in the latest brain science. 

Unlock the mystery of your kid's anxiety.

When your child struggles with anxiety, it can feel like you're walking a tightrope constantly balancing your own emotions while trying to support them through theirs. You're doing everything you know to do to help your anxious kid, but things aren't improving as much as you'd like, and as much as your kid needs.

The good news is: there's help and hope.

Anxiety SOS Summit brings together 30 therapists, coaches, psychologists, and educators who specialize in anxiety. They'll provide practical and actionable strategies to help your anxious child or teen feel safe, secure, and emotionally stable.

You'll learn  actionable strategies to:

Decode your kid's anxiety

(without so much guessing)

Teach your kid to move through discomfort

(instead of avoiding it)

Help your kid manage their own stress + anxiety

(instead of relying on you)

Have a healthy relationship with tech + social media

(to reduce negative impacts)

We're using the latest research to understand and transform anxiety while honoring the struggle with compassion.

Stop trying random anxiety strategies and get clarity  in just 4 days..


Anxiety, the Nervous System & the Brain

Sept. 26, 2024 at 6 PM NYC Time

Unlock the mystery of your child’s anxious mind and body in this live masterclass. Discover how the nervous system triggers anxiety and how that impacts the brain's functions in those moments. Plus, learn practical strategies to build more resilience. Join us to empower your child or teen with the relief and confidence they deserve.

Day 1

Decoding Anxiety

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Anxiety doesn't always present as worry and fear. Sometimes it shows up as anger, volatility, or shutdown. Prepare to learn how to decode what your child's behavior and the state of their nervous system are trying to tell you about their needs. 

Day 2

Supporting Anxious Kids

Friday, October 4, 2024

There's more to effectively treating and managing anxiety than breathing exercises and avoiding hard things. Prepare to fill your toolbox — and your kid's — with science-backed exercises and strategies to reduce the negative impacts anxiety has on your kid's day-to-day life. 

Day 3

Empowering Anxious Kids

Saturday, October 4, 2024

Impact management is only one aspect of effectively coping with anxiety. As we increase connection, confidence, competence, autonomy, and a sense of control, anxiety is reduced. Prepare to get practical and actionable strategies to empower your child in these areas. 

Day 4

Replay Day

Sunday, October 6, 2024

This is your chance to watch workshops you might have missed FREE.

Dive into this 4-day  immersive  learning experience with 30+ distinguished experts.

"Normal Fears" vs. Anxiety
"Normal Fears" vs. Anxiety
Ann-Louise Lockhart, PsyD, ABPP
Board-Certified Child/Adolescent Psychologist, Parent Coach, National Speaker
Intense Emotions and Anxiety
Intense Emotions and Anxiety
Emily King, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist, Host of the Learn with Dr. Emily Podcast
 The Overlap Between Challenging Behavior &Anxiety
The Overlap Between Challenging Behavior &Anxiety
Dr. Gila
Jai-Certified Parent Coach, Certified Clini-Coach®, Psychologist and Neuropsychologist
The Interplay of Motivation and Anxiety
The Interplay of Motivation and Anxiety
Melanie McNally, Psy.D.
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Author of "How to Help Your Unmotivated Teen"
Responding to Anxiety with Curiosity
Responding to Anxiety with Curiosity
Debbie Reber, MA
Founder: Tilt Parenting, Host of Tilt Parenting Podcast, Author of "Differently Wired"
Quiet, Unspoken Anxiety vs. Loud, Obvious Anxiety
Quiet, Unspoken Anxiety vs. Loud, Obvious Anxiety
Dayna Abraham
Author of "Calm the Chaos," National Board Certified Educator, Host of Calm the Chaos Podcast
Imposter Syndrome
Imposter Syndrome
Matthew Zakreski, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist and Professional Speaker
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD)
Sharon Saline, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist and Author of "What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew"
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Kids & Teens
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Kids & Teens
Allison Lucchese, LMFT
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Director of OCD Services for Embracing You
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA)
Casey Ehrlich, Ph.D.
Social Scientist, Parent Coach and Educator, CEO & Founder of At Peace Parents
SHORT: The Intersection of Gaming & Anxiety
SHORT: The Intersection of Gaming & Anxiety
Dr. Alok Kanojia, MD MPH (Dr. K)
Psychiatrist, President & Co-Founder of Healthy Gamer
Anxiety vs. Trauma
Anxiety vs. Trauma
Aimie Apigian, MD MS MPH
Board-Certified Preventive Medicine Physician, Founder & CEO: Biology of Trauma®
What to Do When Your Kid's Anxiety Doesn't Make Sense to You
What to Do When Your Kid's Anxiety Doesn't Make Sense to You
Vanessa Lapointe, R. PSYCH.
Parent Educator, Author of "Discipline Without Damage," Former Psychologist
Treatment Options for Anxious Kids
Treatment Options for Anxious Kids
Jenny C. Yip, Psy.D., ABPP
Clinical Psychologist, Author of "Hello Baby, Goodbye Intrusive Thoughts"
Helping Your Highly-Sensitive Child
Helping Your Highly-Sensitive Child
Gabriele Nicolet, MA, CCC-SLP
Family Communication Specialist, Parent Coach, Host of the Complicated Kids Podcast
How a Low Demand Approach Can Help Anxiety
How a Low Demand Approach Can Help Anxiety
Amanda Diekman
Autistic Adult, Parent Coach, and Author of "Low Demand Parenting"
Responding to Anxiety with Compassion
Responding to Anxiety with Compassion
Emily Hamblin, M.A.
Former Foster Mom, Certified Teacher, Host of Enlightening Motherhood Podcast
What to Do When Anxiety is Masked by Aggression
What to Do When Anxiety is Masked by Aggression
Tosha Schore
Parent Coach and Founder of Parenting Boys Peacefully
How to Prevent and Heal Trauma in Uniquely Wired Kids
How to Prevent and Heal Trauma in Uniquely Wired Kids
Debbie Steinberg-Kuntz, LMFT
Former Foster Mom, Certified Teacher, Host of Enlightening Motherhood Podcast
Supporting Executive Function Challenges to Reduce Anxiety
Supporting Executive Function Challenges to Reduce Anxiety
Seth Perler, M.Ed.
Executive Function Coach, Activist, Educator, Former Teacher
Preventing Youth Suicide
Preventing Youth Suicide
Jonathan Singer, Ph.D., LCSW
Professor at Loyola Univ Chicago, Past-Pres. of the American Association of Suicidology, Coauthor of "Suicide in Schools," Founder/Host of Social Work Podcast
SHORT: Insider's View on Social Anxiety
SHORT: Insider's View on Social Anxiety
Penny Williams
Parent Coach for Neurodiverse Families, Author, Host of Beautifully Complex Podcast
Let Grow: Fostering Independence to Reduce Anxiety
Let Grow: Fostering Independence to Reduce Anxiety
Lenore Skenazy
President of Let Grow, Author of "Free-Range Kids"
The ABC's of Helping Your Child with Big Emotions
The ABC's of Helping Your Child with Big Emotions
Elizabeth Sautter, MA, CCC-SLP
Speech-Language Pathologist, Trainer, Author of "Make Social and Emotional Learning Stick!"
Celebrating Authenticity & Uniqueness
Celebrating Authenticity & Uniqueness
Emily Kircher-Morris, M.A., M.Ed., LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor, Host of The Neurodiversity Podcast, Co-Author “Neurodiversity-Affirming Schools” (2025)
Helping Kids Feel Capable
Helping Kids Feel Capable
Deborah Farmer Kris
Child Development Expert, Parent Educator, Author of the “All the Time” and “I See You” Picture Book Series
How to Talk to Kids About Their Anxiety
How to Talk to Kids About Their Anxiety
Dawn Huebner, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist, Parent Coach, Author of "Outsmarting Worry" and "What to Do When You Worry Too Much"
The Art of Talking with Anxious Kids
The Art of Talking with Anxious Kids
Rebecca Rolland, EdD.
Speech-Language Pathologist, Lecturer at Harvard Graduate School of Education, Oral and Written Language Specialist
Helping Teens with School Stress & Anxiety
Helping Teens with School Stress & Anxiety
Natalie Borrell, Ed.S.
School Psychologist, Academic Life Coach for Teenagers
Exercises for Overcoming Stuck Thoughts
Exercises for Overcoming Stuck Thoughts
Eliza Hope, LPC, NCC, MA
Licensed Professional Counselor
Somatic Exercises for Anxious Bodies and Minds
Somatic Exercises for Anxious Bodies and Minds
Kate Lynch
Mindful Parenting Coach and Yoga Teacher
SHORT: Fostering Resilience in the Age of Uncertainty
SHORT: Fostering Resilience in the Age of Uncertainty
Tovah P. Klein, Ph.D.
Psychology Prof at Barnard College, Columbia Univ., Author of "Raising Resilience"


There is  hope and help.
What if you could finally help your child /teen feel confident and secure, free from the crushing grip of worry and fear?

Anxiety SOS will help your kid...

Build resilience and grit

to take risks, challenge themselves, and tackle hard things

Release anxiety’s grip on them

so it doesn't continue to control their life and hold them back

Manage anxiety effectively on their own

with a toolbox of exercises and strategies at the ready

Feel safe, secure, and emotionally stable

because the adults in their life are validating their experience

Build their self-esteem and confidence

by learning to trust themselves and know that they deserve to take up space

Here's what past  summit attendees say:
Kim Lewis
Kim Lewis
“The [sessions] reaffirmed my current practices and approach and gave me some great mantras. My favorite from Penny was "You can either co-escalate or co-regulate" Total game changer.”
“Many educators I work with have an old-school approach where the child needs to conform to the rules in the classroom. I am realizing more and more that when students don’t comply, it isn’t because they won’t, it’s because they can’t.”
Tracy T.
Tracy T.
“As I listened to the teachings, although the focus might have been different in each one, consistently hearing over and over again that kids need to feel safe, free from pressure, connected, and empowered, then they can move forward, was very impactful to me.
“Very helpful and informative. I’ve already seen results in shifting my own mindset.”
Crystal G
"I have watched a lot of these types of summits recently and this has been the best. I want to sincerely thank you for that. You quietly and honestly asked the best questions and did so while sharing your own personal experiences in a very real and relatable way. You sought out a wide variety of speakers who answered questions I didn’t even know to ask.”
"These expert sessions really helped me to understand my kids on a level I didn't think possible.”
Jennifer B.
“I’m drinking from a fire hose following my daughter’s diagnosis last month and found your summit — your content and expertise is 100% top notch! This Summit has shaped the new normal of our parenting style and enabled us to have the tools, resources and experts to effectively raise up our kiddos, instead of just raise them.”
Adam C.
“The information is helpful in a real-world way. It's not just concepts that are covered, but how to apply those concepts in real-life ways to help make things a bit easier for us and our kids.”
Jennielle Potter
"This has been a great blessing to our family. I am walking away feeling inspired to try new things and prepared with knowledge and advice from leading experts in their fields. I could not recommend this more. I feel like everyone can glean something valuable from this Summit. Highly recommend!“
Kate Andrews
"I don't think I've spoken to anyone I know this week without singing the praises of the speakers! I love seeing Sarah and Penny there every time to relate the expert's knowledge to their own experiences with their children.”

Meet Your Host

Hi! I'm Penny.

I teach stuck and struggling parents how to dial down the chaos and big emotions to maximize success and joy.

If there's one thing I'm too familiar with, it's anxiety. I've struggled with it since middle school. It started as intense social anxiety and it controlled my life. I was constantly worried about the judgement of others — am I too fat? am I not pretty enough? did I have the right clothes? did I say something dumb? am I worthy? do I fit here? I never went anywhere social unless there was at least one person I knew… even when the consequences were painful, or if I missed out.

In my teens and early 20s I made some really bad choices, in an attempt to quiet my anxiety and fit in. I could have died more times than I can count, if I'm being honest. When I became a mom in my mid-20s, general anxiety added itself to the mix.

I also have two young-adult kids with anxiety. If there's one thing that's crystal clear… I know anxiety intimately. And I want to help you, your kids, and your students to live fully, without anxiety holding them back.

If you're struggling to support your anxious kid effectively, this summit is for you.

It's so easy to feel like you're caught in a vortex when your kid is struggling with anxiety and you have no idea how to help. This is precisely why I created Anxiety SOS — to provide anxiety management strategies, support, community, and hope. You are NOT alone. 

Don't miss out!

Let's get you registered!

You have the option to watch all 30 expert video workshops free for 24 hours after their scheduled release during the event. OR you can amplify the value, and maximize your results, by upgrading to the Action Pass.

Free Intensive

Watch all Summit workshops free October 3-6, 2024. Ten will be released each day for 24-hours of free viewing.

Register Free

Action Package

Access the workshops via online, searchable library. PLUS apply what you’ve learned and take action with the workbook, bonuses, and followup Q&A call.

$77 USD

Limited Time Offer!

Dates Price of Personal Action Pass
Sept. 3-26
$77 USD
Sept. 27-Oct. 2
$97 USD
Oct. 3-6
$107 USD
After Event
$177 USD

No questions asked money-back guarantee

Purchase the Action Pass to get the most impact from Anxiety SOS. And, if you're not 100% satisfied with the content before October 7, 2024, I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked. I'm convinced that you'll love the workshops and all the bonuses — and see great changes from them — so I'm happy to offer this no-risk guarantee. 

Join us for the

Unlocking ADHD Summit

Transform Struggles into Strengths

ADHD isn’t something to fix — it’s a unique way of thinking, creating, and thriving. During the Unlocking ADHD Summit you’ll discover how to unlock potential, foster self-confidence, and embrace the beauty of neurodiversity from 29 experts.

FREE March 3-6, 2025